Monday, February 20, 2006

Apartment Buildings

I tend to think of highrise apartment buildings as ugly. One sunny winter day, I suddenly saw beauty in those repeating balcony and window shapes and majesty in the buildings' sizes.

1 comment:

rollingbicycletours said...

what you are saying to me is that beauty is in the eye of the beholder; or is it that we crave a balance between routine and novelty, and while highrises are by virtue of being repetitive can be boring, but then again there is as you say something majestic about their size and their order and predictability? Or is just “seeing”; capturing the image and by thinking about it, becoming aware of the feelings it evokes we can being to experience things in a slightly different way, and you as the artist are instrumental in helping in the process?

I wanted to copy a photo of a ribbed shore-line of the Pacific, which evoked similar feelings for me, but the technology is beyond me?
