Monday, July 10, 2006

Tense Patterns

I'm very fond of patterns - in fact I think knitting and digital imaging have a lot in common. Take a look at a knitting pattern - what do all those little squares remind you of? Pixels! Here a simple cross pattern, some colour changes & the strong shadows define the image.


David said...

Hi, Diana
Patterns, digital imagery and... music? Have you heard the ioece Music fo 18 Musicians by Steve Reich? The Cover image is of a (loom) weaving pattern, showing how the pattern is planned by grids of dots along a side and the top. You can hear samples on Amazon, but they're showing a different cover...
Hearing yur talk,and reading "Believing is Seeing - Creating the Culture of Art" (Mary Staniszewski) and random othe rstimulations have my creative juices flowing again. Hope that I an follow through some of the ideas!

jheztin said...

ang baho mo.......