Friday, May 14, 2010

Tripping Out on Canoes and Art

This week I started my new project – Tree of Life. I’m thrilled and terrified – all at the same time. I have a show opening on July 8 in the Toronto Distillery District. Eight weeks ‘til ShowTime!

So what do I know about the project? I know that I’m mixing  acrylic paint and textures with digital printing. I know that my initial subject is Trees. I know that I’m using iridescent InkAid (& iridescent paint) – shiny! I know that once again I’m working on pellon – that heavy, acrylic non-woven fabric used by the upholstery industry as facing for furniture.  I know my four sizes (+ one big one). I know that I  am working in Illustrator,  though of course Painter and Photoshop are always in the mix too.

I don’t know if I have time to do the paper collage thing I want to do. I don’t know if I’ll move past the trees to mix the images with bones or faces. I don’t know exactly what the trees are going to look  like. Most of all I don’t know where this journey is going to take me visually.

So this is the beginning of the journey – trying to find order in the chaos: planning the route, figuring out the drop off and pick up. What to take – is there going to be rain? snow? heavy sun? How bad will the black flies be, the mosquitoes? Can we still do long portages? Any rapids? What level? How high is the water this year? Do we take the dog or not? How do you plan for unknowns?

The creative journey really is a journey. Preparation and packing are just as necessary here as for a canoe trip. What are the parameters of this trip? What area is being explored? This the part I’m doing now. Overview and setting limits.

I woke up excited about it all today. Two days ago I woke up terrified. Who will I be at the end of this journey? How will I see differently?

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